Abbey Farm, Flitcham, Norfolk. 31st December 2015.

The long staying Pallid Harrier turned up at Abbey Farm on the 16th December after arriving at Snettisham from mid November. I joined other birders by the hedgerow that the harrier had chosen as a favourite place to hunt. We stood there quite awhile until a birder beside me shouted "PALLID HARRIER OVER DISTANT HEDGEROW" we then watched the bird until it dropped out of sight. After a short wait it appeared again this time flying away from us towards the water tower at Sandringham. I then drove and explored the area - with a few other birders in there cars- however the bird was not relocated and did not show at the farm anymore that day until mid afternoon. The shots here were taken whilst waiting for the harrier i also saw Linnets, Sparrowhawk, Merlin, 2 Buzzards and loads of Pink feet.

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