20th July 2017:- Titchwell Marsh R.S.P.B. Norfolk.

A Pectoral Sandpiper graced T'Well today, so i decided to go and see if i could get some shots with my new camera gear. I arrived in the afternoon and found the bird from the Island Hide. The conditions were not favourable as the weather was dull with some light rain at times, As rare birds mostly turn up in these conditions i thought it would be a good test to see what i could produce in the way of workable images.
I was pleased with the results -as the top 2 are very heavily cropped- as there is minimal grain and detail in the plumage is quite good. Not competition winning shots but ok for what we call record shots. I think with a bit of tweaking i may be able to improve my technique, however the last shot
-which is not cropped as much- is quite acceptable giving both distance from subject- main bank to front of freshmarsh -and size 8.5" I like these little yank waders they are always clean cut and a smart looking bird.

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