Titchwell R.S.P.B. 9th August 2015


Magpies [on guard]

Wall Brown

White Campion

Rosebay Willowherb


Common Tern [in the heat haze]

Common Tern

Distant Spoonbills



Assorted waders [mainly blackwits i think?]

Black-headed Gull {nearly tail less]

juv Shelduck with Moorhen

Had a trip to T'Well today as it was sunny and bright, the roads were quite this morning but due to a festival at Sandringham it was very busy on the homeward trek. 
Arrived at T'Well where i met Malcolm -from Wisbech- in the car park, i have met him on various occasions mostly when looking for weekend rarities.  He informed me that he had just retired, so maybe our rare weekend get together will now be few and far between, anyhow I wish him luck in his retirement and hope that his birding continues.
First stop was the Island hide not much to get excited about,  just the normal waders that are on there migration to warmer climes. i.e Dunlin, Ruff, Avocet and distant Blackwits.
A small party of Spoonbills were on the other side of the freshmarsh, these could be seen from the island hide as white blobs moving in the heat haze. The Common Tern sat for a while on this post -as you can see the heat haze has affected the sharpness- but its still a nice shot. The walk to Patsy's Pool was not very productive it only had the local mute swans, canada geese, and various ducks in eclipse moult.
Went back to the Island Hide for a last look, the only change was that Eddie M was in the hide, he did manage to find a Med Gull and an Osprey over the concrete blockhouse later in the day however i was driving home at the time but there you are thats birding for you.

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